We have opened the company «QazaqBioControl» in order to give confidence in the quality of organic products, their safety and compliance with labeling, ensuring compliance with the necessary requirements and production standards.
In our work we rely on the following principles
In the field of organic agriculture, we take into account and follow the four principles of the International Federation of Organic Movement (IFOAM):

Organic agriculture should support and strengthen the health of the soil, plants, animals and humans as one and indivisible.
Organic agriculture should support and strengthen the health of the soil, plants, animals and humans as one and indivisible.

Organic agriculture should be based on natural ecological systems and cycles, work with them, follow them and help maintain them.
Organic agriculture should be based on natural ecological systems and cycles, work with them, follow them and help maintain them.

Organic agriculture should be based on relationships that ensure fairness in relation to the environment and life processes.
Organic agriculture should be based on relationships that ensure fairness in relation to the environment and life processes.

Organic agriculture should be approached with caution and responsibility, protecting the health and well-being of the current and future generations, as well as the environment.
Organic agriculture should be approached with caution and responsibility, protecting the health and well-being of the current and future generations, as well as the environment.